Refund and Cancellation Policy

Refund and Cancellation can be made in the following cases :

  1. Overpayment if the students are expected to finish their program/course.
  2. Cancellation of the event/service decided by CamEd.
  3. Non-CamEd student paid the fee for the service that is not approved by CamEd Management
  4. Transaction is incomplete
  5. For private students, unused ACCA fees can be refunded in the form of Credit Transfer to pay their own tuition, material, and/or other fees.
  6. Fee paid by sponsored students can be refunded when their fees are paid by the firm.

Procedure for Refund Request:
Student has to submit the request at:  Refund & Credit Transfer Request

Contact for Refund Request:
Department: Finance Team
Tel: 023 985 522, Extension: 114
Email: [email protected]